Welcome one and all to another installment of Mad Dawg’s Mad Mad World. Let’s just go ahead and jump right into the action.
Disclaimer: The following blog features an overload of nerdom for some. Read at your own risk.
Here we are with part two of our Marvel vs. DC battle. Yesterday, we saw Hulk beat Superman by a very narrow margin. Today’s battle will pit the “Merc with a Mouth” against the “Terminator.” Just to recap, here is how the rest of the week is going to go:
Today: Deadpool vs. Deathstroke
Wednesday: Silver Surfer vs. Green Lantern
Thursday: Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow
Friday: Spider-Man vs. Batman
Here is a recap of the rules. These are chance meetings. No planning, no strategizing. They meet, they fight, one wins, and they all walk away, EXCEPT in today’s fight. Today’s fight will be a fight to the death. Maybe. And now, ROUND 2!!!
Deadpool vs Deathstroke
For those of you that aren’t aware, Marvel’s Deadpool was
created to be a parody of DC’s Deathstroke.
Each has a tremendous following, and both are probably the most skilled
fighters in their brands. Deadpool has
bested Wolverine, while Deathstroke has bested Batman. Let’s take a look at the tale of the tape.
Deadpool (Marvel)
Deathstroke (DC)
physical strength. Can lift up to
physical strength. Can lift up to
Can run
at top speeds of 30mph. Can outperform
even the best Olympian.
Additional Powers
Can teleport. Telepathic immunity. Insane healing factor. Quick annoying wit.
factor. Enhanced senses. Enhanced mind. Master tactician.
Can die,
although it takes a tremendous amount of damage
The tale of the tape has these two evenly
match. Deathstroke has the advantage in
the strategy and speed, while they are both equal in terms of strength. Both are skilled fighters and both can heal
almost any wound. However, Deadpool has
three distinct advantages: his mouth, his mental instability, and his curse.
Allow me to elaborate. Deadpool is known as the Merc with a
Mouth. He’s always talking. Now most people feel that this is the
ramblings of a crazy man. And that is
true to an extent. But what if that is
what Deadpool wants you to believe.
Besides, he usually talks people into submission or suicide. The guy
annoyed Spider-Man, who is the king of annoying wit!Then there is his mental instability. Because Deadpool is insane, he doesn’t use conventional methods to fight, maim, or kill. This gave Taskmaster fits because Taskmaster couldn’t adapt to Deadpool’s fighting style. This has a high chance to cancel out Deathstroke’s enhanced mind’s strategies and tactics.
But aside from all of that, Deadpool’s greatest advantage is the curse Thanos put on him. Deadpool can never die! Why? Simple. Deadpool established a relationship with the personification of Death, who Thanos is in love with. As such, Thanos made it so Deadpool could never see her again. So in a fight to the death, there is no way you’re gonna beat Deadpool because he simply cannot die!
So who wins this epic battle of two mercenaries?
Tie ballgame folks.
Here is the reasoning behind this.
Deathstroke has an enhanced intelligence. At some point, he is going to figure out that
Deadpool can’t be killed. Rather than
risk his own life, he is going to entice Deadpool to join his side. Deadpool, who will work with anyone for the
right price, will accept, thus ending the battle right there with both men
Two battles down, three to go. Remember to tune in tomorrow for matchup #3:
Silver Surfer vs. Green Lantern.
Hope you enjoyed this latest installment of Mad Dawg’s
Mad Mad World. And as always, love,
peace, and chicken grease.
see im not a big fan of ether so i get that.