Sunday, April 22, 2012

With Liberty and Intolerance to all.

It’s Sunday night.  Welcome back to Mad Dawg’s Mad Mad World.  As always  I’m your host, William “Mad Dawg” Berry.  For those that don’t know, you have entered my world.  A world where I do and say what I want because it’s my world.  Some of the topics and views may (and probably will) be disagreed with.  Now I know I should care, but I really don’t.  Does that make me a bad person?  Probably.  Am I going to change the way I feel about it?  Most likely not.

Which brings me to my topic for the evening.  As I watch tv, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, or check my Facebook, one thing always troubles me.  I am astounded and troubled by how intolerant people are of others’ beliefs.  No matter what, no matter who, no matter when, people should be allowed to believe whatever they want as long as they aren’t causing harm to someone else.

Let me start this off by calling out Athiests, Buddhists, and anyone else who doesn’t believe in God.  You choose to not believe in some mystical diety because, for whatever the reason, it is hard to wrap your brains around the POSSIBLITY of an all powerful being that controls or can control the fate of everything in this world.  Fine.  That’s your belief.  But let me point out (and this is for the Athiests) that just because you can’t see it, touch it, or prove it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.  Most of you believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and aliens, yet there is no REAL proof that any of these things exist. (I don’t care what kind of picture you think you saw, unless that thing is clear on a gritty camcorder taken straight from the tape it was filmed on, it is not proof!) For all the others, you believe in everything from cows, to trees, to giant people with wolves’ heads.  You mean to tell me that it’s okay to pray and worship Bessie the milk cow, but not okay to believe in one person who was responsible for everything?  In the words of former NFL wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson, COME ON MAN!

Now it’s time to call out the Christians, Catholics, and every other religion that believes in the “One True God.” (I put that in quotation marks because I’m not saying what I believe.  I am merely stating this because this is the basis of the religions.  And yes, I’m including Muslims.)  For years you all have been fighting, warring, feuding, and commiting all sorts of violence in the name of God.  You all believe in the ten commandments, yet you guys perpetuate bigotry in the name God, steal land in the name of God, and kill in the name of God.  Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t bible say not kill, steal, and to love thy neighbor?  Seriously people.  And THEN, on top of all of that, you want to press your beliefs on EVERYONE else INCLUDING people within your spilnter cell that don’t believe the way that you do.  Christians, Catholics, Mormons, you all believe in the same basic principles, but you argue over the details.  Again, I say unto you, COME ON MAN!

You know what all of these groups have in common?  Each of them have their own belief structure, and all of them are intolerant of the other.  You’ve got Athiests complaining about Buddhists, Buddhists complaining about Christians, Christians complaining about Catholics, and everyone complaining about the Muslims.  Each of these groups wants to be free of religious persecution, yet all of these groups perpetuate this persecution.  (Call it saving them, enlighting them, call it what you wan.  You’re still persecuting anyone that doesn’t believe in what you believe.)  It’s time you stop worrying about what everyone else is believing in, and focus on yourself.  No one knows what happens after we take that great big dirt nap (or that final barbecue if you’re creamated).  All we know is that we stop breathing, we lose brain function, and we die.  If people want to believe in an afterlife where the streets are paved with gold, jelly beans, ice cream, and gumdrops, and we’ll be met with 62 virgins, then so be it. (Seeing as how there’re aren’t even 62 virgins above the age of 18 in this day of age, good luck with that.)  If people want to believe that this is all there is and once we’re gone, we’re gone, then so be it. (And I’ll be sure to make sure to end it again when you turn into a mindless zombie.)  If you want to believe that each time we die, we come back as something else, then so be it. (And I don’t think zombies count, but if they do, then you might die SEVERAL times if I’m still alive during the zombie apocalypse.) Believe what you want.  You have that choice.  Stop judging others based on what they believe.

Thanks again for reading.  As always I hope your days are filled with love, peace, and chicken grease.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

And Equality For All

Welcome to another edition of Mad Dawg’s Mad Mad World.  I’m your host, William “Mad Dawg” Berry and I would like to say that I hope you are having a very fine day today that bleeds into your weekend.  Today’s rant may contain analogies that might offend some.  I’ll try to keep it as toned down as possible, but I can’t promise anything.  Now let’s get down to business.

Ladies, I love you.  I love everything about you.  I love your eyes, your hair, your bodies, your personality, everything.  Well, almost everything.  For YEARS, the fairer sex has screamed for equality.  Equality in the workplace.  Equality during the voting process.  Equality, equality, equality.  And I agree that equality is important for all sexes, races, or religious preference.  But what about equality at home?  More specifically, what about equality in the bathroom? (Do you see where I’m going with this?)

For years, men have had to follow a rule when it came to using the bathroom:  Put the toilet seat down.  This rule is usually met with a lot of yelling and complaining when broken, with the occasional withholding of sexual favors.  But a recent occurrence has gotten me thinking about this rule.  (Without going into detail, I’ll just say that a female member of my household recently fell into the toilet)  Why is it that men have to do extra work in order to experience the joy of releasing bodily liquids?  Why are we responsible for having to lift the toilet seat up just to drain the lizard, and THEN put it down?  Before you ladies say something like “Because we don’t like it when you pee on the toilet seat,” consider this; The work it takes for us to walk into the bathroom, fiddle with our jeans, pull out our little friend (or big friend in some cases), aim, and then fire, is very time consuming and enough work as it is.  Add on to that those times when we’ve been holding it for a very long time.  When we get to the bathroom door, the stream of pee built up seems to have a mind and agenda of its own.  Our own muscles now must work overtime to contain said stream, which requires way more concentration.  So the concentration that we would be putting forth with our NORMAL ritual is now diverted to fighting back this raging river of pee.  During this lack of concentration, ANYTHING can happen.
The next argument you’ll try to present is, “Well you see the toilet when you walk in.”  To that I say, SO DO YOU!!!  You have to walk in forward, turn around, drop trou, and then sit.  There’s no aiming, no fiddling, no pulling.  Just turn, drop, and sit.  Somewhere in there you can fit in, “put down seat.”  We have to do it when we have to take the Browns to the Super Bowl.  If you insist that we put the toilet seat down after we use it, don’t complain when you go in there and there is a little bit of drippy drippy on the seat.  We surely don’t complain when we see a little bit of red patches that you missed during your special time of the month.  (And believe me, that is only the second grossest thing we have to see in the bathroom.)

In the interest of equality, I’ve come up with a solution.  Since you insist that we put the toilet seat up, how about this.  Every time we finish using the bathroom, we’ll put the toilet seat down.  Every time you finish using the bathroom, you put the toilet seat up.  That’s fair and then you’ll know who the last person was that used the bathroom so there can be no mistake.  Equality at its finest.

Speaking of equality, I wanna touch on this while it’s on my mind.  I believe people should be allowed to choose their religious preference, what race they wish to date, and what sex they wish to date.  I believe that these people should be free from persecution and ridicule for the choices they make.  I truly believe in equality for all.  Having said that, HOMOSEXUALS AND MINORITIES NEED TO STOP TRYING TO MAKE EVERYTHING INNOCENT HOMOSEXUAL OR ABOUT RACE!!!!  I’m looking squarely at the issues of the Trayvon Martin case and Bert and Ernie.
Let’s start with Trayvon Martin.  Nobody but Trayvon and Zimmerman know what happened that night.  The only thing we know is that a teenage boy was shot and killed by on older man.  Stop putting so much emphasis on that it was a black boy killed by a white man.  The boy could have been white, black, Chinese, Martian, IT WOULDN’T MATTER!  The fact of the matter is someone got killed because a man, who could have been any race, decided to shoot him for WHATEVER reason.  The merit of this case is whether or not it was in self-defense or not.  That’s the case.  It’s not a racial case like people are making it.  Stop trying to set our country back 300 years and take things for what they are.  If it was a racial shooting, then it will come out and then you can complain.  But until then, take the case for what it is.

Now on to Bert and Ernie.  Where do I begin?  Sesame Street started in 1969.  Back then, it was common place for a lot of poor people to share one bed because they couldn’t afford another one.  How many times have you heard your parents say they shared a bed with their sister, brother, cousin, or whoever was living with them?  It’s 2012 and the two still share a room, but now sleep in separate beds.  However, people keep saying that the two are in a homosexual relationship, with the gay and lesbian community imploring the Children’s Television Workshop to have the two finally come out of the closet.

Here is the issue I take with this.  Bert and Ernie have been best friends for over 40 years.  Besides the fact that neither have aged and no one knows how old these Muppets are, they are FRIENDS.  Has anyone ever considered the possibility that Sesame Street is one big ghetto, with Bert and Ernie living off of Section 8 housing?  Did anyone consider that Elmo is in the corner smoking PCP because he spends 15 minutes at the end of each episode living in a crayon world?  Or did anyone consider this; that this is an educational kid’s show and these characters are designed to show kids that you can be friends with people who are completely different from you? (I know.  That last option is way too farfetched to be true.)  Again, take it for what it is and stop trying to look for a deeper meaning or for an issue that just isn’t there.

Thanks again for reading and as always, Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Sucking of Tim Tebow

Welcome to Mad Dawg's Mad Mad World.  I'm your host, William "Mad Dawg" Berry.  This blog will be in conjunction with the YouTube show that will be released in the very near future.  Since this is my blog about my opinions, there may be some controversial comments made.  There may be some opinions shared that do not fall within the realm of popular opinion.  I you find my posts to be rather offensive or against what you would deem normal, I say this to you; Nanny nanny boo boo, stick your head in doo doo.  Ths is Mad Dawg's Mad Mad World.  In this world, I'm the presdent, the emperor, the king.  I'm Michael Jackson, and the rest of y'all are the Jackson 5.

Speaking of being a star, when did it become possible to be a star attraction for sucking? No, I'm not talking about Justin Beiber or Lil Wayne, this time. I'm talking about Tim "I can't play quarterback until the final five minutes of the game" Tebow.

Let me preface this by saying that I could care less what his religious beliefs are, nor do I care about what he does or doesn't do behind closed doors.  I am merely concerned with what I see on the field of play, and what I've seen isn't much.  During the 2011 season, Tebow threw for 1,729 yards with a 46.5 completion rate.  Not only did this put him in 31st place among quarterbacks in term of yards, his completion percentage was the lowest.

Now I know the argument that everyone likes to put forth when it comes to Mr. Tebow; Tebow wins games.  To that, I say this; that is complete hogwash.  If the game is close within the last five minutes, that offence was efficient enough to score.  Here is the problem though.  Late in the game, the defense is trying to protect everything deep.  The running game is of little concern becaue it eats up clock.  Here is where praise for Tebow is warranted.  With Tebow on the field, it essentially gives your offense a second or third running back on the field depending on your formation.  Linebackers have a hard time defending against him because of his toughness.  Lineman have a hard time catching him because of his speed.  However, he is NOT accurate!  (Again, he completed lss than 50 percent of his passes.)   So why is he getting all he glory?  Because he had a receiver who could make plays DESPITE how bad his QB is.  I call this the "Mark Sanchez Syndrome."

So again, why is Tebow getting all the credit for the Broncos winning season last year when, for 55 minutes, he stunk up the stadium?  I call this the "Ben Rothlesberger Conundrum."  It doesn't matter what the player does prior to the game winning drive means nothing to a lot of fans.  If the final drive results in a game winning score, the QB is praised.  If it results in a loss, then we look back at the entire game.

I REFUSE to fall subject to this conundrum.  Tim Tebow is a horrible player.  He was horrible in Florida (God only knows how he won the Heisman), and he was horrible in Denver.  Now I'm going out on a limb and predicting that he is going to be horrible in that travelling freak show they call the New York Jets. I will say this; Tim Tebow will fit in nicely with the Jets.  Why?  Because he is as overhyped as they are.  Who knows, he my flourish and the Jets may become contenders.  But I doubt it.

Thanks for reading.  This has been Mad Dawg saying thank you for visitng my world.  May your life be filled with love , peace and chicken grease.